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e.tres offsets on behalf of the customer by contributing financially (carbon credits) to Verra's internationally verified projects that reduce or eliminate GHG emissions.
Renewable energy
Energy efficiency

Brand benefits:
Increasedcustomer acquisition and loyalty : International surveys reveal that 66% of respondents and 75% of millennials consider sustainability in their purchasing decisions. Google studies claim that after the pandemic 82% of consumers are more mindful of sustainability than before COVID.Brands that align themselves with this demand and offer sustainable options allow them to attract and retain consumers, strengthening sales and encouraging repurchase.
Positive brand image: 95% of purchase decisions are guided by emotions and, today, 70% of consumers prioritize the purchase of brands they perceive as sustainable and environmentally friendly.
Access to new markets: 68% of consumers say they are motivated to be loyal to brands that share their values. This means that implementing green business practices can unlock new markets and customer bases that are increasingly environmentally conscious.

Sources:- - Harvard Business School professor Gerald Zaltman - McKinsey & Co survey - Mercadolibre

Can be used with any ecommerce platform: e3Stores, Vtex, Magento, PrestaShop, TiendaNube, Woocommerce, Shopify or custom developments.
e.tres customers: the functionality is already integrated in the platform. GHG emissions from the operation of the Stores store are already measured and offset as part of our IRAM certification, so to convert the store into Carbon Neutral it is only necessary to measure the emissions resulting from product shipments.
Other platforms: It will be necessary to measure and offset shipments + emissions resulting from the operation of the store.

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